Quantum computing & QX
Quantum Transfromation : Concept of QX
This movie visualizes the paradigm shift from digital to quantum.
Quantum Transformation : What is Quantum Computer?
This movie introduces what a quantum computer is, and what it can do.
We are using the example of traffic jam mitigation which is one of the cases of the optimization areas, where the implementation into society is considered to progress quickly.
Quantum Transformation : Use case of quantum computing
This movie shows the various applications of quantum computing that we are considering. Some examples are traffic congestion, 3D traffic control, communication, energy, food supply chain, factory, logistics, data center, underground resource extraction, underground space utilization, material development, and satellite control.
Air mobility traffic control by using Quantum Computer
We imagine a world in 203X where hundreds of thousands of air mobility vehicles (flying cars and drones) are safely and rapidly controlled. We believe that quantum computers will play an important role in this world. In order to demonstrate such a world, OneSky, an American startup that develops air mobility control systems, Tohoku University, and Sumitomo Corporation have jointly conducted a demonstration.